Playbook Lean Agile Project Management

The Project Management Report You Can't Live Without

Written by Elyssa Pallai | May 18, 2021 12:00:00 PM Z

Tired of useless project management metrics? Good metrics mean better project outcomes. However, standard project reporting templates don’t provide actionable information. Often information is received late–only after a critical project failure has occurred. As a result, teams become resentful wasting their time attending project status meetings that leave them with little to no information to base proactive project decisions on.

So, what does the ideal project reporting template look like?

Here are some critical reporting requirements to ensure your projects are predictable, actionable and visible so you can manage them proactively and in real-time.

  • Information is received early or better yet, instantly so teams can mitigate risks, and apply resources where and when required–keeping activities on the critical path moving forward.
  • Information is accurate and complete for the entire team member at any given time.
  • Teams are notified instantly when changes are made that impact the critical path so that they can take action accordingly and fix or prevent more timeline slips.

These attributes mean that teams and management have access to several forms of new and useful project reports. Project reporting should include:

  • Work backlog status instantly updated so that project team members are always working on the most important task.
  • Resource load status that considers the criticality of the work.
  • Individual and group instant notifications regarding any change made to the plan or status alerts.
  • Project health status reporting available 24/7.

Complete, accurate, instantly updated project heath dashboard 

Teams and management can do their jobs effectively only if they have complete, accurate and up to date information. This is where Playbook software shines. With Playbook management and the team have access to a project health dashboard 24/7 that clearly and simply shows project status moment to moment. When a change request has a negative impact on project deadlines, or when a daily slip occurs, management and the team are notified immediately and can apply resources accordingly to resolve the issue and course correct.


Do you know the health of every project in your product development portfolio? Now you can, instantly, with Playbook. You will sleep better at night with proactive, actionable information at your finger-tips that is accurate and complete.

Stay tuned for our project reporting series where we share project metrics from the dashboard that mean better project outcomes for you and your development teams.